Thursday, 27 September 2012

Volunteering Changes Lives

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face … I may have been ill and with the knowledge that I would work 3 different jobs in one day, but my oh my, I know when to appreciate what I’ve got ! Within the space of 5 months, I have managed to slowly settle in and am now comfortable, knowing I have enough money to buy great food, treat myself now and again, and put a bit aside (skiing oh yeahhh).  It’s a nice yet strange feeling (but trust me, I have to work hard for it) !

I know that some people may frown upon doing over a year of volunteering following achieving a good university degree, but it can be so fulfilling.  As a volunteer, you know that what you are doing will be beneficial to your future, and at the same time you learn to find motivation not from the money that you are paid, but from the personal achievements throughout and the ability to help others.

A great example of how it can benefit your future is how another volunteer with Service Civique this week signed a permanent contract with an association that works with European mobility… Exactly the same project that we have both been doing with our respective Mission Locale’s.  She will begin on Monday, how amazing is that?!… With motivation and passion, volunteering really can be a first step on the ladder towards a fulfilling career !

In terms of my voluntary project, I’m really enjoying it.  I’m constantly in contact with different young adults who would like to volunteer abroad, as well as people from other organisations.  For example, yesterday I went to Aniche, a town South of Lille, for a mobility forum.  I was there with La Mission Locale de Douaisis and we had a stand where we were promoting European Mobility.  I talked about my experiences and described what the European Voluntary Service can offer.  I’m a direct example of how it can open up doors to moving to another country J

As well as this project, I’m still loving working in La Ducasse (a busy restaurant here in Lille)… You can never get bored and the team is great ;-)  I have also started a few hours of babysitting a week … Yes I do sleep now and again ;-)

I hope everything is going well for everyone and always keep smiling … When you smile at the world, the world smiles back !!! :-D
The stand at the forum with Fabienne who works at La Mission Locale de Douasis

The team of young volunteers including me (far left)

A presentation the same day of the emergency services

Again the presentation as they are cutting open the car !!


  1. Natalie Halverson is an active volunteer for the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Webster County and PICA - Pride in Community Appearance - and is currently a junior at the Fort Dodge Senior High School.

    Experience Days UK

  2. Fantastic - keep up the great work Nathalie :)
